The Top 14 Travel Stats to Start Your New Week

Skift Take
Our daily @skiftstats Twitter feed continues to send out byte-size data points every weekday about the global travel industry, serving as a great companion to the more in-depth stories we do here on Skift.
Below are 14 of the best data nuggets from the last week, to start your new week in travel:
Accessible tourism: If Europe were to cater to needs of special needs travelers, it would be huge economic bump:
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 7, 2014
Key point: Researching for trips, Singaporean travelers employ both online & offline resources, like elsewhere.
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 7, 2014
Here are largest hotel chains/groups in the world in 2014, IHG is still #1 by # of rooms. Source: @HospitalityON
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 7, 2014
These are the top hotel groups in Europe, Accor far outstrips others in # of rooms. Source: @HospitalityON
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 7, 2014
Here's how airlines are valuing mobile services investment. Mobile check-ins are working, they think. @SITAonline
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 8, 2014
Ancillary fees for airlines are v small on mobile currently, but growing fastest. Source: @SITAonline
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 8, 2014
By 2017, 75% of airlines will have added mobile ecommerce/shopping for smartphones. @sitaonline.
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 9, 2014
Ticket booking thru airline websites is now 30% globally, check-in using a
mobile, kiosk & web has reached 38% of all checkins. @sitaonline— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 9, 2014
Not surprisingly, low cost carriers have been most successful in driving up self-service adoption. @sitaonline
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 9, 2014
Airlines get most media noise about digital devices, but least usage amongst all transport options. DePaul LAS.
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 11, 2014
Here's how passengers are using digital devices during various modes of transport. Source: DePaul LAS
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 11, 2014
New relaxed airline rules on using digital devices seems to be having no major effect on usage! Source: DePaul LAS
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 11, 2014
Greatest proportion of tablet/e-reader users are travelers on airlines, then Amtrak & commuter rail. DePaul LAS.
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 11, 2014
World cup and increase in Brazil tourism spending. Up 169%. Source: mastercardnews
— Skift Research (@skiftresearch) July 12, 2014