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Travel Agents

This extensive archive provides up-to-date news, trends, and insights relevant to travel agents, including travel advisors, travel agencies, at-home agents, and firms of all sizes. Designed for professionals working in the travel industry, these news stories offer valuable information on the evolving landscape of travel services and distribution channels. Stay informed about the latest developments affecting travel advisors, from technology advancements to client relations and best practices and gain insights into the growing importance of personalized service and how advisors are adapting to the changing demands of their clientele in a competitive market.

Travel Agents

A Year After CEO Change, Travel Leaders Group Merges Leisure Brands, once upon a time, was a prestige asset in the travel agency community. By getting rid of the brand, Travel Leaders Group is looking to simplify its brand offerings to consumers and travel partners.

A Year After CEO Change, Travel Leaders Group Merges Leisure Brands

Business Travel

Corporate Travel Embraces Chat-Based Apps With Hyper Travel Acquisition

Chat-based apps that use real travel agents are getting a lot of buzz; we're interested to see how they will fit into the corporate travel space.

Corporate Travel Embraces Chat-Based Apps With Hyper Travel Acquisition

Travel Agents

Millennials Are More Likely to Use Travel Agents Than Any Other U.S. Demographic

Once millennials start making money, they're willing to spend to receive personalized treatment from a travel agent. They're also tired of the hassle of do-it-yourself online travel booking.

Millennials Are More Likely to Use Travel Agents Than Any Other U.S. Demographic

Business Travel

Lola Deal With Virtuoso Is Rare Truce in Travel Agent-Online Booking Relations

It remains to be seen how much of the future of travel booking will be based around mobile messaging and service. But it does seem reasonable to expect a hybrid of traditional personal service and digital do-it-yourself accessibility to appeal to many travelers going forward.

Lola Deal With Virtuoso Is Rare Truce in Travel Agent-Online Booking Relations

Business Travel

You Can Now Make an Airbnb Booking for Someone Else at Your Company

Airbnb has now removed one of its most egregious limitations by now enabling third-parties to place business travel bookings. But travel agents and travel management companies are still left out of the picture.

You Can Now Make an Airbnb Booking for Someone Else at Your Company

Tour Operators

Tour Operator Booking Patterns Are Going Through a ‘Seismic Shift’ in 2016

Shifting consumer demands for new destinations and more experiential trips may have finally caused a big impact on the way tour operators sell vacations.

Tour Operator Booking Patterns Are Going Through a ‘Seismic Shift’ in 2016

Business Travel

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Abruptly Replaces Its CEO

It will be interesting to see how this shakeup will affect such a major player in travel management. We look forward to hearing more from the new CEO (as well as learning the backstory of his predecessor's departure).

Carlson Wagonlit Travel Abruptly Replaces Its CEO


Skift Podcast: How Business Travel Is Trying to Become More Traveler-Friendly

Business travel is evolving — slowly — to become more like consumer travel as companies start to take employee satisfaction more seriously.

Skift Podcast: How Business Travel Is Trying to Become More Traveler-Friendly

Business Travel

Corporate Travel CEO Series: The Brewing Conflict Between Hotels and Travel Managers

A more honest accounting of how hotels manipulate their room rates to create more revenue helps both consumers and corporate travel managers make smarter travel decisions.

Corporate Travel CEO Series: The Brewing Conflict Between Hotels and Travel Managers

Business Travel

Delivering Insights During a Crisis — Corporate Travel Innovation Report

In a fast-paced and often tumultuous world, companies are placing a greater value on having information about travelers available in real time.

Delivering Insights During a Crisis — Corporate Travel Innovation Report