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Travel Agents

This extensive archive provides up-to-date news, trends, and insights relevant to travel agents, including travel advisors, travel agencies, at-home agents, and firms of all sizes. Designed for professionals working in the travel industry, these news stories offer valuable information on the evolving landscape of travel services and distribution channels. Stay informed about the latest developments affecting travel advisors, from technology advancements to client relations and best practices and gain insights into the growing importance of personalized service and how advisors are adapting to the changing demands of their clientele in a competitive market.

Business Travel

Interview: Filling the Vast Innovation Gap in Corporate Travel

Corporate travel CEOs who want their companies to grow must seize every opportunity to innovate. And there are plenty of opportunities because the pace of change within corporate travel has been very sluggish.

Interview: Filling the Vast Innovation Gap in Corporate Travel

Business Travel

Racing to Keep Up With Change — Skift Corporate Travel Innovation Report

Change is coming to corporate travel; how quickly, and how widely accepted it will be, is still to be determined.

Business Travel

Boring Isn’t Enough Anymore – Skift Corporate Travel Innovation Report

In the second issue of our Corporate Travel Innovation Report, we look at how business-focused companies are learning from leisure.

Boring Isn’t Enough Anymore – Skift Corporate Travel Innovation Report

Business Travel

Skift Podcast: Selling Travel in Times of Crisis

Our alternate title: Why unrest, health panics, and financial uncertainty doesn't spell doom and gloom for the travel industry. But it does mean it needs to be smart in 2016.

Skift Podcast: Selling Travel in Times of Crisis

Business Travel

Survey: Business Travelers Are All Over the Place When it Comes to Booking

If companies want their employees to comply with travel policies, they should make it as easy as possible to do so.

Business Travel

What Corporate Travel CEOs Are Saying About the Sharing Economy

Risk-taking innovation in the corporate travel space is hard to find. Sharing economy services with robust reporting and safety tools, however, will make change inevitable.

What Corporate Travel CEOs Are Saying About the Sharing Economy

Travel Agents

Why the Modern Travel Agency Needs to Charge Fees

Maybe it bodes well for travel agents that travelers are getting used to paying additional fees for better service in the air and at hotels, since fees have been a reality when booking with an agent for a long time.

Why the Modern Travel Agency Needs to Charge Fees


Aviation Summit in Iran Highlights Tourism Push

Investors from the Middle East, Europe, and Asia are salivating at the prospect of breaking into the long-closed Iranian travel and tourism market. The CAPA Iran Aviation Summit is the first look for a broad base of business interests. They will have to gauge the risks that come along with Iran's foreign policy.

Aviation Summit in Iran Highlights Tourism Push

Business Travel

Travel Agent Employment Forecast in U.S. Shows Decline Over Next Decade

We'd be interested in seeing where the remaining travel agents are concentrated and which specialties may be growing while others continue their decline.

Travel Agent Employment Forecast in U.S. Shows Decline Over Next Decade

Business Travel

Messaging Apps With Travel Agents Are the ‘It’ Thing for Travel Startup World in 2016

In airports and hotel lobbies, how many times have you heard throngs of travelers lamenting: "This app on my phone is wonderful, but if only it had access to real, human travel agents within it?" A new wave of travel startups is conjuring this image. Is it reality-based or wishful thinking? We'll see.

Messaging Apps With Travel Agents Are the ‘It’ Thing for Travel Startup World in 2016