Seth Borko

Online Travel

Can Online Travel's Titans Ever Break Free of Google?

Airbnb is moving away from Google and performance advertising but few others seem to be following in its footsteps. We believe most online booking sites will remain reliant on Google for top of the funnel marketing post-pandemic. This sets up the search engine to retain its dominant position in travel.
Tour Operators

The Complexities of the Tour Operator Supply Chain: A Guide

Breaking down the tour operator supply chain reveals interesting insights about why some tour operators succeed — and others don't — and how so many seemingly different companies all fit together under one big tent.
Tour Operators

The Coming Disruption to Tour Operators: New Skift Research

Tours is one of the last great offline sectors in the travel industry, but that cannot last. Changing consumer behavior and new tech is driving disruption in these businesses, the effects of which have only been compounded by the significant impact of Covid-19.

U.S. Hotel Giants Lead Travel Recovery: Skift Health Score

Optimism about the travel recovery in the U.S. hit a peak this summer. Hotels with a heavy American presence have benefited from the resulting occupancy boost as well as hopes for a long-term bump in conversions. Perhaps it should be no surprise that major U.S. hotel franchisors lead our health score list.