Skift Take

"Like" buttons could be the solution for hotels, airlines, and other types of travel companies eager to gather guest feedback during the trip. Consumers are already accustomed to the idea, so it is definitely worth further testing.

While most of us think of the now-ubiquitous ‘like’ button as something you do on Facebook or Twitter, increasingly it is making its way outside social media.

Thanks to the power of the “Internet of Things,” which is connecting various consumer goods like appliances with the Internet, more of these “like” buttons are showing up in the real world.

As crazy as it may sound, the idea has some legs in the travel industry, where passengers and guests could immediately provide instant feedback on all kinds of product experiences, ranging from the check-in process to food service. Will more travel brands experiment with these types of real-world “like” buttons? How might they work? Read on for more details.

Marriott Experiments with New Real-World ‘Like’ Buttons for Hotels
One of the biggest changes in marketing over the past several decades is the growing importance of data and customer feedback in making decisions. But in industries like travel, getting that data can be tricky: Executives in the hotel, airline and cruise industry often have to wait until after a trip has ended, or when a nasty message shows up social media, to know there’s a problem. That’s why Marriott’s test of real-world “like” buttons could prove to be an interesting tool to gather real-world feedback. Read more

New Study Says 90 Percent of Airports are Testing or Already Using Proximity Beacons
Earlier this year, Skift discussed the revolution in proximity-based beacon technology currently happening in airports around the world. More airports are using the tech to provide on-site navigation, provide flight updates and deliver relevant content to passengers in terminals. Now we have further proof. A new study suggests 90 percent of airports now either have a beacon system in place or are testing a future rollout of the service. Read more

Intercontinental Hotels Experiments with New Podcast
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Ryanair CMO Discusses Mobile, Metrics and Innovation
European low-cost carrier Ryanair has long succeeded by shaking up the industry and questioning traditional airline industry orthodoxy. But the company also recognizes its historically “brash” approach didn’t always translate into an ideal customer experience. In this interview, Ryanair CMO Kenny Jacobs talks about some of the digital innovations the company is using to improve its business and customer image. Read more

Is Food Now the Luxury Category’s Top Status Symbol?
Food tourism has become an important component of many destination marketers’ promotion strategies. But why has food become such a key area of focus? According to one recent analysis, it’s due to larger shifts in how consumers perceive different “status” symbols, as more travelers look to unique food experiences as key method of expressing their identity and values. Read more

Marriott Launches New Print Magazine Targeting Millennials
Marriott, which launched its first digital travel magazine to much fanfare in 2015, is continuing its push into the editorial world. This week the company announced an extension of its digital magazine concept, launching a new digital magazine initiative that builds on its Travel Brilliantly campaign to target millennial travelers. Read more

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Tags: content marketing, Digital Marketing, Internet of Things, marketing

Photo credit: Travel brands like Marriott are now experimenting with real-world "like" buttons to gather instant feedback from guests. Global Panorama / Flickr

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