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Articles tagged “tourism australia”

Media and PR

Australia’s Latest Tourism Video May Be One of the Most Inspiring Travels Ads of 2013

All the elements that need to be present in a great tourism video -- creative landscape visuals, people having fun, non-generic voiceovers, right music --- fit in well in this one. Maybe BrandUSA should learn from this, or better still, maybe hire Tourism Australia to do all its marketing? Is that even possible?

Australia’s Latest Tourism Video May Be One of the Most Inspiring Travels Ads of 2013

Online Travel

Travel Websites Build Brand Awareness with Awesome Jobs Campaigns

In a digital age, destinations and travel companies have as much to gain as job winners. In addition to the brand boost from the application process, a steady stream of content from the road provides companies with a years-worth of social updates.

Travel Websites Build Brand Awareness with Awesome Jobs Campaigns


The Tension Between National and State Tourism Boards, In One Chart

Raise you hand if you, the tourism industry professional, see yourself in here. Almost guaranteed you do.

The Tension Between National and State Tourism Boards, In One Chart

Online Travel

How travelers from ten countries access the Internet from the road

The nitty-gritty details of the report is an interesting look at the prevalence of Internet cafés today, but it’s main findings further prove the importance of travel content and booking functions becoming mobile-friendly to remain relevant.

How travelers from ten countries access the Internet from the road

Skift Originals

The changed travel purchase cycle in a digital world

Now you now why it is hard for startups -- and indeed traditional players -- to be successful in digital: all the historical industry-defined value chains have blurred -- we would even argue the phases of dreaming, planning, booking, destination aren't as clear as this report says -- and consumers are jumping across all of these using all the digital tools at their disposal.


What’s behind Australia’s “Best Jobs in the World” tourism stunt?

Australia has the double whammy of an economic problem & the tyranny of distance, and needs workers to spur tourism jobs, and in turn build up tourism itself.

What’s behind Australia’s “Best Jobs in the World” tourism stunt?


Tourism Australia lobbying for free Wi-Fi across all hotels in the country

In other words, free-wifi across all country will be a huge marketing coup for Australia, in press and of course among travelers. Though unlikely it will happen country-wide.

Online Travel

Australia’s quest to become the most talked about destination on the planet

"Our job at Tourism Australia is as creator, co-creator, curator and syndicator of this content." That's surely nirvana-level social media marketer talk right there.

Australia’s quest to become the most talked about destination on the planet


Virgin doubles its investment in Tourism Australia to fill the gap left by Qantas

Future tourism campaigns for Australia will be running on a tight budget, because although Virgin has doubled its funding, the total still falls some $30 million below Qantas’ contribution over the past three years.

Virgin doubles its investment in Tourism Australia to fill the gap left by Qantas


Tourism Australia goes six-color san serif with its rebranded logo

Australia's tourism industry didn't have a great 2012: falling numbers, Qantas' troubles and its controversy with Tourism Australia. At least TA can start 2013 with a fresh coast of paint, so to speak.

Tourism Australia goes six-color san serif with its rebranded logo