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Articles tagged “social media”

Media and PR

Wikitravel editors to team up with Wikipedia and ditch Internet Brands

This seems like a win-win for the people who love Wikitravel: They keep all the content they want, keep the link juice, take the experts with them, and join forces with an organization that shares the same values.

Media and PR is the latest social travel site to launch its own app

Like many of the other social planning travel sites, Stay looks fantastic and works well. But it could better distinguish itself by being the first of its peers to develop its own expert voice for all its guides.

Skift Originals

Expedia: Where you book no longer matters

Expedia's new and inspirational "Find Yours" advertising campaign really sets a new social-media-driven tone.

Online Travel

GroupMe pushes specialized group texting for travel planning

There is a ton of skepticism here about whether the startup, acquired by Microsoft/Skype, can really build a seamless, mobile, group-travel planning experience and whether or not people will care if it does.

Media and PR

Can Foursquare, Quora, and LinkedIn make users care about Bing?

Bing has reorganized its search results pages to incorporate the social element, but it really has a long way to go before the service evolves into something really useful for travelers.

Media and PR

Social travel startup Tripl pivots: Pretty enough, but that’s about it

It looks pretty, and that's the most it will ever do. But that you knew already. Someone can hire the design team, though.

Media and PR

Why social travel sites don’t really work

The short answer is, "no," it doesn't work. Both for the reasons clearly laid out in Patokallio's article and because there's also already a massively successful social site that helps users get travel recommendations from friends. It's called Facebook.

Online Travel

Social travel startups eat your heart out: “Facebook bragging” boosts Aussie tourism

Hence our general skepticism of specialized social travel startups.

Media and PR

TripAdvisor’s Facebook app surges through paid marketing and social growth

What's behind the surge of users of TripAdvisor's Cities I've Visited app on Facebook? It didn't happen by chance.