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Articles tagged “iceland”

Media and PR

Which Nordic Nations Are Making Friends Fastest on Twitter?

It's not all about friends, but for destinations it is about communicating to as many of your target audiences as you can in a language they can understand.

Which Nordic Nations Are Making Friends Fastest on Twitter?


How American Airlines and Iceland Got Starring Roles in Ben Stiller’s ‘Walter Mitty’

To the average viewer, the movie is a nice tale on the joys of travel. But any marketing or travel professional will see destination marketing at its most motivational best.

How American Airlines and Iceland Got Starring Roles in Ben Stiller’s ‘Walter Mitty’

Media and PR

Pinterest’s Top Pins Show Contrast Between Travelers’ Fantasies and Realities

Pinterest's list of travel destinations represents where travelers wish to go while lists of check-ins and photos from other social networks show where they've gone. The difference in the types of places on each lists highlights the differences in travelers' fantasies and realities.

Pinterest’s Top Pins Show Contrast Between Travelers’ Fantasies and Realities


Tourism in 2013: The Fastest Growing European Countries

Trendline: smaller destinations in Europe will continue to grow, especially economies that have gone through the financial crisis and come out better on the other end. Hence Iceland and Latvia, among others.

Tourism in 2013: The Fastest Growing European Countries


Iceland debates economic gains of whale tourism versus whale hunting

Studies that show animals are more valuable kept alive than killed for cuisine will help officials rationalize bans and controls that keep hunting of endangered animals to a minimum.

Iceland debates economic gains of whale tourism versus whale hunting

Skift Originals

If you were to rename Iceland, what would you call it?

Neither of them are catchy enough, but among the two, the winner is obvious, the "Isle of Awe Land." Which is what Iceland is anyway.

If you were to rename Iceland, what would you call it?


Iceland’s bid to expand beyond tourism: signs free trade agreement with China

Iceland's economy has been heavily dependent on fishing and tourism historically, and now it wants to diversify, including getting the lucrative and numerous Chinese tourists. It also gives China the expansion it is desperately seeking in the melting Arctic North as it becomes the natural resources global hotspot in the near future.


China and Iceland sign trade pact to expand trade and tourism

Iceland's concern over the mega-resort a Chinese tycoon had planned has given way to a much more open relationship that will see the Arctic nation take advantage to get the best of the Chinese and a concerned Europe.

China and Iceland sign trade pact to expand trade and tourism


How Iceland purged itself of its financial sins and started growing again

On the way back to tourism and other less risky industries as the engine of Iceland's growth.

How Iceland purged itself of its financial sins and started growing again

Skift Originals

SkiftStats: The countries most open to foreign travelers

Iceland, which tops the table, has certainly welcomed tourists in droves over the last few years. U.S. came 102 out of 140, which jibes with how it is perceived worldwide. UK is 55, twice more welcoming than U.S.

SkiftStats: The countries most open to foreign travelers