Articles tagged “event tech”


Interactive Technology for Events Becomes Greater Priority

Planners in different regions have differing takes on what's going to be most important to their clients in upcoming years. It'll be interesting to see how the event experience evolves around the world going forward.

New Skift Report: The Future of Event Technology — A Mix of Realities

We remember when the advent of video conferencing prompted concerns about an event industry apocalypse. Instead, the business continues to grow while incorporating technology’s best functionalities. Read on to learn how meetings and events are leveraging technology.

What's Behind Blackstone's Deal for Events Tech Firm PSAV?

After a failed initial public offering, PSAV is now in the hands of Blackstone. Time will tell if the move ends up increasing costs for event professionals as PSAV inevitably looks to expand its scale in the marketplace. The competition between hotels selling their own offerings and companies like PSAV will be fascinating to watch.

Inside Cvent's Technology Strategy

There's a lot of buzz around emerging technologies like augmented reality and facial recognition. Realistically, though, it's too early for these things to really catch on, but companies like Cvent want to be ready to deploy new products when and if they do.

Technologies Every Hotelier Needs to Understand: Latest From Skift Research

The hotel industry needs to catch up with the times when it comes to technology, and we're not just talking about cloud offerings and software-as-a-service technologies. The smart hotelier of today is investing in next generation tech capabilities such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice capabilities, virtual reality, robotics, and more, but all with the guest experience in mind.

Planners Conflicted Over Mobile Technology as Tool or Distraction

The growth of mobile meeting apps presents planners with a dilemma filled with irony. Are the apps — aimed at facilitating and enhancing the meeting experience — actually diminishing the kind of face-to-face interactions that are the very purpose of on-site events?

Online Booking Finally Becomes Reality for Meeting Planners

Figuring out where to hold a small meeting is becoming more like booking a flight or hotel online. As more of the giant hotel chains buy into this model, there is the potential for the wider distribution marketplace for meetings space to shift significantly.

Personalized Events Empower Planners and Attendees

Meeting and event planners know they need to do a better job tailoring events to their attendees and providing their sponsors with a stronger idea of how successful their partnership has been. New solutions will make it easier for them to make informed decisions moving forward.

The Era of Personalization in Event Tech Is Finally Here

Tools are finally emerging that empower event professionals with the insights they need to better understand how attendees operate at events and the value created for sponsors. It's about time, and these tools will only become more useful over time as event planners learn more about what makes their gatherings successful.