Articles tagged “euromonitor”


What Luxury Travel Looks Like in 2020

Change is constant and continuous. That’s why a listing of the new trends that will be impacting luxury travel during 2020 must, in addition to peering into the future, include a look back in time.
Business Travel

The Demographic That Luxury Travel Marketers Forgot About

Given their relative wealth and amount of free time, mid-lifers — otherwise known as the youngest baby boomers and the oldest Gen Xers — don't seem to be getting the proper respect and attention from travel marketers. A new report suggests that luxury marketers that ignore this group do so at their own peril.

The 20 Most Popular Cities for International Travelers

There will likely be many changes to this ranking as 2016 numbers are finalized as some of the most-visited cities experienced weaker currencies or violence last year. Keep in mind, however, that some of these cities base their data on airport arrivals who don't actually step foot from the airport and experience the destination.