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Future of Work

Business Travel

LinkedIn and Slack CEOs Downgrade the Future of the Office

These two leaders probably have more insight into working cultures than anyone else. Flexibility is here to stay, and the upshot of that is good news for the wider travel industry.

LinkedIn and Slack CEOs Downgrade the Future of the Office

Business Travel

Companies Use Travel Savings to Fund New Return-to-Office Efforts

Reinvention is the name of the game for 2022, and travel managers shouldn't underestimate the monumental efforts companies will have to take next year in reopening their offices effectively.

Companies Use Travel Savings to Fund New Return-to-Office Efforts

Business Travel

Hotels Offering Tiered Spaces for the Remote Work Era

With more luxury and lifestyle hotels offering co-working spaces, is now the time to grade the remote work experience with star ratings?

Hotels Offering Tiered Spaces for the Remote Work Era

Business Travel

More Resort Operators Tee Up Digital Nomad Spaces in Low Season

Rich pickings from a growing pool of remote workers, but the marketing and storytelling will need to fit the product for it to really take off.

More Resort Operators Tee Up Digital Nomad Spaces in Low Season

Business Travel

What Will It Take to Create a Global Digital Nomad Passport?

It will soon reach a point where it won't be efficient for so many countries to have their own passes, so a universal one makes sense. But governments and tourism boards won't find it easy to hand over the reins to a third party.

What Will It Take to Create a Global Digital Nomad Passport?

Business Travel

Families Able to Unlock Travel for Remote Work Through Virtual School Networks

Travel companies that can ease remote-working parents’ nerves about in-destination schooling will discover a new type of guest that could book for several months at a time. Welcome to the golden age of travel.

Families Able to Unlock Travel for Remote Work Through Virtual School Networks

Business Travel

Co-Working Spaces in Tourist Areas Lure Family Travelers

Forget the sun lounger, the hottest accessory next summer could be a desk at a coworking space.

Co-Working Spaces in Tourist Areas Lure Family Travelers

Business Travel

Former Airbnb Exec Pitches Remote Work as Reward Not a Right

Companies could end up harnessing Airbnb veteran Stanley Fourteau's new venture Ukio, which has the backing of Travelperk's CEO, as a means to take back control of the remote work conversation.

Former Airbnb Exec Pitches Remote Work as Reward Not a Right

Business Travel

Accor Sets Sights on Rest of Europe for Its Co-Working Business

The hotel giant is quietly tip-toeing its way across Europe, but a hospitality slant may prove to be a weakness rather than a strength.

Accor Sets Sights on Rest of Europe for Its Co-Working Business

Business Travel

Hotels Are Deciding Whether Selling Co-Working Space Instead of Beds Is Worth It

Hoteliers will need to crack new metrics like desk occupancy, pricing plans and even social media credibility to help any co-working venture succeed.

Hotels Are Deciding Whether Selling Co-Working Space Instead of Beds Is Worth It