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Media and PR

Social travel startup Tripl pivots: Pretty enough, but that’s about it

It looks pretty, and that's the most it will ever do. But that you knew already. Someone can hire the design team, though.

Online Travel

Kayak downplays threat from Google Travel in IPO materials

Expect Kayak to increase its leave of absence from the classic metasearch approach and to expand into new travel verticals with its Kayak booking path. Others, including Room 77, already are following Kayak's lead.


Japan, Tunisia, Egypt show clear signs of tourism recovery; worldwide numbers strong despite downturn

Nothing can go wrong in the UNWTO world. Everything's peachy. Though Japan numbers are borne out by other sources, other media sources (we have been documenting here) are reporting otherwise on Tunisia and Egypt, especially the latter.

Media and PR

Travel websites that want good SEO need to pay for good content

Websites can game the system for a length of time, but when it comes down to it they need to create content that people actually want. Nobody wants to be the next victim of an algorithm update. Just ask NileGuide or Uptake.


British travelers see double-digit discouts in mainland Europe this summer

Persistent rain has made Britons dream of sunnier locales, and a favorable exchange rate gives them a 12% bump in the exchange power of the Pound Vs. the Euro this summer. Hello, Ibiza!


Last week in TSA seizures: Grenades, fireworks, and lots of pistols

The TSA should make a deal with U.S. travelers: They'll stop being patted down and have to go through body scanners when citizens stop packing firearms, grenades, and fireworks.

Online Travel

Kayak hits the road with $100 million IPO try

Start your engines. Kayak is beginning its road show in a bid to raise more than $100 million in an IPO. The company will face tough questions about Google's acquisition of ITA Software and whether it can paint a big enough growth story to satisfy would-be investors.


Mexico will generate more revenue from tourism in 2012 than ever before

Despite regional violence and terrible PR, Mexico's wealth of offerings to tourists -- from pristine beaches, to ancient ruins, to colonial cities, to urban centers -- keeps people coming back.


Traveling from Paris to Provence via bicycle and stomach

Some of Europe's most under-served tourist routes straddle ancient roads connecting medieval towns and modern cities. The trick to discovering them, though, requires travel by foot or by bike. But the payoff is both delicious and memorable.


A new standard for eco-friendly hotels, courtesy of the World Travel & Tourism Council

Any reliable standards need to be enacted with the understanding that even fantastic hotels may fall short because of the demands of their location and clientele.


Singapore Air’s Scoot will challenge carriers with budget Taipei flights this fall

Singapore Airlines is looking to shake up regional competition by introducing low-cost flights via Scoot on routes it doesn't already fly it's traditional planes.