Wouter Geerts


Hotel Contactless Tech: What Will Stick and What Won’t?

Contactless technology is being adopted in hotels at breakneck speed to ensure safe operations. Not all tech is created equal though. Skift Research looked at what tech has the momentum to continue growing after the pandemic fades.

The Travel Rebound's Stalled Summer: New Skift Recovery Index Insights

August is normally a bumper month for destinations in the northern hemisphere. The fact that the Skift Recovery Index remained flat indicates that seasonality is still in play even today, and that travel volumes have indeed increased over the past month, but we can’t yet speak of a full recovery.

Understanding the Impact to the Virus-Hit Hotel Industry: New Skift Research

There is no doubt that these are some of the toughest times for the hotel industry. Hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, the industry is on its knees. Recovery will come, but when, and in what shape, is wholly uncertain. Understanding the current situation, and what a recovery might look like, will help the industry to prepare for when that day comes.