Wouter Geerts


How the Pandemic Changed European Travel: New Skift Research

The coronavirus has hit Europe hard, but the region will continue to receive accolades as the largest destination and largest source market for many years to come. Let's brush up on our understanding of European travelers, and see how COVID-19 has impacted their travel patterns.

Setting Out the Tech Landscape for Hotel Distribution: New Skift Research

Getting your hotel tech demands right is never an easy process. Why should tech for hotel distribution be any different? Hoteliers end up working with many vendors to help grasp demand, set rates. and get rooms on the right channels. Here's some clarity to figure out that morass.

Travel Stayed Stagnant in October After September Decline: New Skift Recovery Index

The Skift Recovery Index has been tracking the performance of the travel industry since the beginning of the year, through the major downturn in April, seeing it crawl back up during the summer, and then entering a second dip in September. October saw very little movement, but a few green shoots are there to look forward to.

Understanding Today’s Hotel Distribution Landscape: New Skift Research

The hotel distribution landscape is complex, with hotel rooms being sold and promoted in many different channels. Covid-19 has certainly impacted how and where hotel rooms are being distributed, but it is unlikely this disruption will be sustained long-term. That’s not to say that disruption isn’t coming, though.

The Fall of Travel in 2020 in a Single GIF

By early April, the travel industry's performance stood at 16 percent compared to last year. Since then, recovery has taken shape differently in each of the 22 countries Skift tracks, but still no country records above 60 percent of pre-Covid performance.