Seth Borko

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Travel Booking

Comparing Airbnb to Hotels Is a Mistake, IPO Investors Need to Remember That

You wouldn’t call DoorDash the world’s largest restaurant operator. So don’t make the same mistake with Airbnb — there is an important difference between distribution platforms and their suppliers.

Comparing Airbnb to Hotels Is a Mistake, IPO Investors Need to Remember That

Online Travel

Tripadvisor’s Viator Stays On Top in Online Day Tours: New Skift Research

Tripadvisor’s tours & activity subsidiary, Viator, is currently a market leader in its sector but the size of that lead over rivals is shrinking.

Tripadvisor’s Viator Stays On Top in Online Day Tours: New Skift Research

Media and PR

Understanding Tripadvisor’s Path to Recovery: New Skift Research

Tripadvisor had been working on a turnaround even before Covid-19 hit. We take a deep dive into the company's financials, business strategies, and challenges for 2020 and beyond.

Understanding Tripadvisor’s Path to Recovery: New Skift Research


Eye-Popping $137 Billion in Lost Revenue: New Skift Health Score of 100 Travel Companies

The month of August brought with it the ugliest earnings season the travel industry has ever seen. We knew the numbers would be rough, but now we can finally understand just how bad this year has been.

Eye-Popping $137 Billion in Lost Revenue: New Skift Health Score of 100 Travel Companies


Introducing the Skift Health Score: Assessing the Viability of 100 Public Travel Companies Each Month

How are the global travel companies weathering the once-in-a-century coronavirus storm and what are their prospects for recovery? The new Skift Health Score has the quantified answer through a well-vetted unique score. Dig in.

Introducing the Skift Health Score: Assessing the Viability of 100 Public Travel Companies Each Month


Look Back to 2008 for a Glimpse at Travel’s Coming Recovery: New Skift Research

The green shoots of travel's recovery are starting to appear. No two crises are alike, but by studying the last recession, we can glean hard-earned insights into the direction travel will take over the next few months and years.

Look Back to 2008 for a Glimpse at Travel’s Coming Recovery: New Skift Research


What a Covid-Paralyzed Travel Industry Can Learn From the Financial Crisis: New Skift Research

History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. While Covid-19 has different root causes than the financial crisis of 2008, there are still lessons to be learned from the last crisis that apply to travel today.

What a Covid-Paralyzed Travel Industry Can Learn From the Financial Crisis: New Skift Research

Skift Research

Travel Winners and Losers During the 2008 Financial Crisis: Lessons for COVID-19

History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes. While COVID-19 has different root causes than the financial crisis of 2008 there are still lessons to be learned from the last crisis that apply to the travel industry today.

Travel Winners and Losers During the 2008 Financial Crisis: Lessons for COVID-19


How Short-Term Rentals Are Faring Better Online Than Hotels During Crisis: New Skift Research

Many short-term rentals offer extra space and control over your living environment. Both attributed highly valued during this time of pandemic. Nothing's decided yet, but some early evidence suggests that short-term rentals might be doing less worse than traditional hotels peers.

How Short-Term Rentals Are Faring Better Online Than Hotels During Crisis: New Skift Research


Assessing the Coronavirus Damage to Online Travel: New Skift Research

The online travel industry is marginally better positioned to deal with this current outbreak than many of their suppliers in the hotel and airline industry. Still, the damage will get worse — and be severe and long-lasting.

Assessing the Coronavirus Damage to Online Travel: New Skift Research