Jason Clampet

Jason Clampet is the co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Skift.

Latest Stories


Private firm hired for Olympic security needs a little help from the government

More than 37,000 troops and private security personnel will be on hand to handle matters from baggage checks to counter-terrorism, with an extra 3,500 troops now stepping in to pick up the slack.


The benefit of being Branson: Richard and kids on first Virgin Galactic flight

For those of us who aren't named Branson, the $200k price tag isn't really all that much money for the ultimate bucket list check-off.


Tourism means South Tyrol isn’t having an issue during Italy’s recession

This German-speaking autonomous region of Italy has fended for itself for years and now a confluence of smart spending, pristine scenery, and dissatisfaction with Italy's economy has it considering going solo.

Media and PR

Stay.com is the latest social travel site to launch its own app

Like many of the other social planning travel sites, Stay looks fantastic and works well. But it could better distinguish itself by being the first of its peers to develop its own expert voice for all its guides.


At least Airbus is making some deals at Farnborough

In the biggest firm order yet at the airshow, Airbus sold ten A330 planes to a transport finance and leasing company. Otherwise this year's show has been disappointing and indicative of the global uncertainty over Europe's debt crisis.


CNN infographic lays out the size of the airline industry

Nugget-sized bites of air travel stats such as Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson is the world's busiest to Saudi Arabia's King Fahd International being the biggest.

Business Travel

Europe’s woes cause biz travel to slow its growth

The small growth that the GBTA has seen is due to the higher prices business travelers are paying for hotel rooms and airplane tickets rather than increased activity.


Uber rallies supporters in D.C. to defeat price-fixing rule

The D.C. taxi lobby's effort to force Uber to charge five time the taxi rate makes for the first time the car service startup's rates have looked inexpensive.


Promised new airport scanners will use lasers to find out everything about your body

Technology that speeds up security lines and prevent stripping and scanning will be welcomed by travelers, no matter what the anti-TSA alarmists say.


American Airlines is finally ready to explore its options: sale, merge, or go it alone

The unions are rooting for a pairing with US Airways, but who knows what the months of high-priced consultants and lawyers have whispered into American's executive's ears.