British Airways' New Ad Makes You Want to Hug Someone
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Why does British Airways keep trying to make us cry?
Last week the airline released its second tearjerker video featuring Indian travelers and the airline's routes between India, North America and Europe.
Following an earlier "Visit Mum" campaign, the new "Go further to get closer" video tells the story of newlyweds Sumeet and Chetna.
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The couple has little time to spend together or get to know one another as they are constantly surrounded by family and occupied with work and household tasks. Sumeet and British Airways work together to surprise Chetna with a trip to London where the couple can spend time alone.
The ad plays up the one-on-one time travelers spend together on the road and contrasts the crowded car they're used to traveling in to the relative privacy and service they have on the plane.
The video follows the couple as they shed their traditional roles from home and learn new things about their partners, something they had to travel far to have the freedom to do.
An accompanying site features destinations where British Airways flies and a Facebook quiz that measures how close customers are with their significant others.
Last summer British Airways released an equally emotional ad featuring a young boy who flies home to see his mother in India.