Articles tagged “ugc”


Expedia's Covert Weapon: Flyers' Airline Reviews

Lots of consumers start their trip-planning with flights. Expedia will use its customer reviews of flights to spur more flight bookings but the company is also focusing on up-selling and facilitating smooth navigation to hotel and vacation-package options.
Online Travel

Why Destinations Need to Rethink Their Visual Strategy

As consumers increasingly opt for image-driven content over other digital formats, destinations need to take greater control of how they market their visual identity. Download CrowdRiff's free report to learn the five questions marketers must ask to own their visual strategy.
Online Travel

Skift Podcast: The Past and Future of Local Discovery

No one company has cracked local discovery the way people have long hoped some company would. But as mobile devices become more knowledgable about what we see and do, services like Foursquare and its rivals could become much more interesting.
Media and PR

How Independent Hotels Tackle Online Reputation Management

The travel industry is looking closely at how hotels tackle the project of closing the conversion loop more often — generating higher returns — by paying attention to how reviews can augment direct-channel bookings and how online reputation management can impact marketing and operations best practices, online and onsite.
Media and PR

Interview: TripAdvisor CEO on What Instant Booking Means to Its Future

From hotel reviews, to pop-up advertising, metasearch, restaurants and now hotel bookings, TripAdvisor has gone through many incarnations. CEO Stephen Kaufer has driven many of the changes and plans to be around for quite some time longer to seize on a huge opportunity ahead.