U.S. courts have steadfastly backed TripAdvisor and its user reviews on First Amendment grounds despite the undeniable fact that a portion of its reviews are fakes.
Best Western realizes that providing links to TripAdvisor ratings and user reviews makes its websites more attractive to guests, and saves them the trouble of having to look for these hotel reviews elsewhere.
HotelMe's authenticated hotel review proposition is one of those things that may you wonder why no one has done it until now. The startup is very late to the hotel-review game, but it has a powerful marketing partner in USA Today.
Zagat has played at least second if not third fiddle to online user-generated online upstarts since the late 1990s. Even with its Google pedigree, it seems more dated with each new edition.
RouteHappy is bringing a level of data about flight amenties to masses of passengers that until now only the most avid aviation geeks would have been aware of. RouteHappy's challenge is to see how much consumers really care about flight amenities as they vary aircraft to aircraft.
It's difficult to say where the frustration of a struggling business ends and the unscrupulous practices of a shady salesperson begin. If any of the suits against Yelp are to gain ground they're going to need to capture the bad pitch in action.
The value in a star review by Yelp for restaurants or TripAdvisor for hotels is a make-or-break proposition for businesses. Isn't it time for someone to come up with a system that can't be gamed so easily?