Articles tagged “southwest airlines”


The Paranoia Ends Now As Southwest Rules Out Charging Bag or Change Fees In 2014

Some pundits favorite sport -- speculating that Southwest will scrap Bags Fly Free -- can end right now. Southwest makes a lot of money in the form of customer retention and growth by not charging fees for first and second checked bags, as well as for changing flights, and there won't be any changes in these signature policies in 2014. So ruled CEO Gary Kelly.

Pilots Hit Back at JetBlue's Pilot Rest Excuse Without Naming Names

Newsflash: It snows every winter in Boston and New York, and it gets cold, too, although admittedly not as frigid as its been over the weekend and early this week. Shouldn't JetBlue had a major contingency plan for this kind of situation, and been better prepared to hustle in some new pilot crews when its flight crews became over-extended?