Articles tagged “marketing”


The Foreign Faces Behind Qatar's Hospitality Workforce

Travelers in many global cities complain that it's difficult to meet locals in their interactions with hotel, tour or transportation staff; however, having a truly global view means traveling by means of meeting someone new, no matter the location.

Interview: Small Luxury Hotels CEO on Embracing Competition

Hotel brands’ increased interest in the independent hotel market comes as consumer bookings and the number of actual small private hotel increases suggesting there’s enough business and options to go around for specialized consortia, global corporations, and the do-it-yourself traveler.

Interview: Leading Hotels of the World CEO on Branding the Independents

Although there are seismic shifts in Leading Hotels' business caused by changing consumer behavior, marketing trends and booking habits, Teng is not concerned with major chains' entrance into the sector. He believes that his and similar organizations offer a specialty product that cannot be recreated for the masses.