Chicago needs to make a bold statement about who it is and what it offers to attract the growing number of foreign tourists ready to spend time and money in the U.S.
Most destinations are still trapped in a cycle of poorly made YouTube videos and print ads, causing them to miss out on major opportunities awaiting in today's most popular social and visual apps.
Building a dedicated following on social media takes more than brute force. It takes nuanced decisions on how to best appeal to the target recipient. This task can takes time in China, but the result can deliver dividends in increased brand awareness and tourism potential.
The airports-as-destinations trends is great for flyers who have better food and retail options, for cities who can show off their culture, and airports who strive to increase shopping revenues.
The Shangri-La Hotel and The Shard officially sign off on the dramatic resurrection of London's South Bank beginning with the Tate Modern opening at the turn of the millennium.
The OC probably isn't thrilled that inbound Mexico tourism has become so important to its business, but it does speak to its growth potential for in- and out-bound international flights.