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Articles tagged “london”


London Uses Mobile Gaming App to Help Tackle Overtourism

Many travelers are glued to their phones, so why not put them to even greater use? That's what London tourism officials are hoping to do but whether this will actually help disperse tourism throughout the city rather than generate revenue for already crowded attractions remains to be seen.

London Uses Mobile Gaming App to Help Tackle Overtourism
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Cities Are Leveraging Their Cultural DNA to Connect With Travelers’ Passions

Singapore Tourism Board's new "Passion Made Possible" platform represents a pivotal shift in destination marketing taking place worldwide. Instead of telling travelers where they can go or what they can do, the new strategy is about inspiring people to imagine who they can be.

Cities Are Leveraging Their Cultural DNA to Connect With Travelers’ Passions


UK Government Doesn’t Think It Has an Overtourism Problem

It might be true that London isn't in the same boat as Venice or Prague, but there are plenty of areas finding it difficult to balance the demands of tourists and locals.

UK Government Doesn’t Think It Has an Overtourism Problem


London Lays out a Strategy for Smart Tourism Growth Amid Brexit Concerns

London is quick to paint a bright future for its tourism industry in the face of Brexit, but it also needs to accept that visitors won't be happy with their experiences if the city loses its EU tourism workforce and that causes problems ranging from longer wait times to lagging infrastructure investment.

London Lays out a Strategy for Smart Tourism Growth Amid Brexit Concerns


Tech Investors Are Still in Love With London Despite Brexit

So far it seems that London's tech scene hasn't suffered any negative impact from last June's Brexit vote. The bigger test will come when the results of the negotiations are known. Only then will entrepreneurs and investors find out where they stand.

Tech Investors Are Still in Love With London Despite Brexit

Business Travel

Events Industry Joins the Influencer Trend — Meetings Innovation Report

More convention bureaus like Atout France should adopt an influencer campaign strategy to drive a higher level of digital engagement around both industry and non-industry events.

Events Industry Joins the Influencer Trend — Meetings Innovation Report

Ground Transport

Smart Cities Need Open Data and a Willingness to Test and Learn

Making a city smarter requires new ideas, and these fresh concepts need testing. The public sector shouldn't be afraid of trying new things and failing as long as the trials are targeted and don't cost too much money.

Smart Cities Need Open Data and a Willingness to Test and Learn


Video: London Tourism Leaders Say Brexit Won’t Kill City’s European Partnerships

London's political associations with Europe may be changing but its cultural appeal remains strong to many travelers. It's using its nighttime economy to help drive economic growth in the post-Brexit era as it builds out more infrastructure to accommodate the city's nightlife.

Video: London Tourism Leaders Say Brexit Won’t Kill City’s European Partnerships


London Signs Tourism Agreement With Paris While the UK Prepares for Brexit

The timing of this announcement – in the same week that the UK formally starts the Brexit process – shows that the Mayor of London is keen to show the city is still very much willing to work with Europe.

London Signs Tourism Agreement With Paris While the UK Prepares for Brexit


London Mayor Backs Plans for a New Tourism Tax

Tourism associations are already up in arms about the plans but there is no guarantee that the UK government will hand over the power to implement a tax. Other popular cities operate similar levies and a small fee isn't going to put anyone off traveling to London.

London Mayor Backs Plans for a New Tourism Tax