The glass and its use case compresses all of our travel communication and gadget needs in one, using the glass UI. Remains to be seen if costs come down, and people are willing to sport the same robot-glasses look.
A number of startups are trying to make flight comparison easier with pinning and saving, but Google Flight Search's update is a good model for a seamless regional search.
You have to hand it to Google for getting transit maps for Pyongyang before Apple can get MTA routes onto its New York City iOS Maps app. No word on when they'll be integrating Zagat or Google Plus, though.
Larry Page couldn't resist touting Google Maps and sticking a pin in Apple and its maps woes, although the Google co-founder didn't call out Apple by name.
Google Street View is taking its goal of mapping the world mile by mile, but some miles are slower than others when dealing with a government that’d prefer to not have its every street corner on the Internet.