Expedia News

The latest news and analysis of Expedia, including breaking news, executive interviews, earnings coverage, and analysis of its competitors.

Online Travel

Expedia Spends More on Search Than Any Other Booking Site in the U.S.

The top 10 U.S. travel advertisers in paid search in 2012 also filled out the top 10 in 2013, although their positions changed somewhat. This shows how difficult it is for travel startups and other companies that were not early adopters to break through and get their messages out to consumers.
Online Travel

The Highest Paid CEOs in Online Travel

Was TripAdvisor's CEO Stephen Kaufer worth $39 million in 2013? That amount is a bit of an anomaly as it includes $38 million in stock options, and he won't be eligible for more until the Summer of 2017. Although there are complaints that TripAdvisor gives geographic growth a higher priority than short-term shareholder return, we don't see anyone complaining.

Expedia CEO on Changing the Relationship With Hotels

Lawsuits didn't kill hotel rate parity. Instead, it is Big Data, analytics, advertsiing retargeting and personalization that are making enforcement of rate-parity provisions almost untenable.

Why Expedia Will Eventually Acquire Travelocity Outright

Travelocity talked years ago about getting into the advertising and media business in a big way, but never made it happen. But, now Expedia has grand plans to use Travelocity's North America sites as a platform to expanding Expedia's own advertising and media business in tandem with the jolt that Trivago is already providing.
Online Travel

HomeAway Backs Airbnb in Battle with Cities

HomeAway is not about to be another Booking.com, but Google is going to get a new and large global customer when the vacation rental site ramps up its search engine marketing, probably next year.

Room 77 Taps Google for an Exit Strategy of Sorts

Expedia led the latest funding round of Room 77, but obviously didn't view an outright acquisition as advantageous. Expedia already has Trivago, which doesn't want to get distracted as it continues to grow and tear up Europe.