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Expedia News

The latest news and analysis of Expedia, including breaking news, executive interviews, earnings coverage, and analysis of its competitors.

Online Travel

How The Travel Booking Giants Stack Up and Where They Are Heading

The Expedia-Travelocity deal won't likely trigger a lot of consolidation because there aren't a lot of U.S. pieces left worth buying.

How The Travel Booking Giants Stack Up and Where They Are Heading

Online Travel

Travelocity and Sabre Leaders Weigh In on Expedia Relationship: “Smart Deal”

Expedia couldn't acquire Travelocity even if it wanted to because it would have triggered an antitrust investigation. The pact marks the obituary of the Travelocity turnaround attempt, and the big winner is Expedia, which gets more volume and EVEN MORE negotiating clout with suppliers. Bad news for hotels.

Travelocity and Sabre Leaders Weigh In on Expedia Relationship: “Smart Deal”


Expedia’s eLong Creates $100 Million Fund for Mobile Tech

eLong is putting its money, specifically $100 million of it, precisely where the company believes its future is, in mobile hotel technology. This initiative has certain parallels with what Concur is doing in using its own, larger investment fund, to encourage the development of travel startups doing interesting things.

Expedia’s eLong Creates $100 Million Fund for Mobile Tech


Best Travel Ads This Week: The Colorful Spontaneous Side of Travel

Best Travel Ads This Week: The Colorful Spontaneous Side of Travel

Business Travel

Expedia Faced Q2 Advertising Woes and its Hotwire Business Suffered

Fairly hidden amidst Expedia's woes and financial announcements is that it apparently believes its eLong business in China can vie with Ctrip for a leadership position in the country.

Expedia Faced Q2 Advertising Woes and its Hotwire Business Suffered


French hotels say and Expedia are control freaks

French hotels may or may not have a legitimate gripe about the market power of Expedia and But, the timing of the hotels' complaint makes it seem as though they have been in a time capsule, as if they just discovered the state of market dynamics that have been in place for a decade.

Online Travel

Expedia CEO’s 2012 pay rose 300 percent even as profits dropped

Whatever this raise means despite Expedia revenue performance, Wall Street isn't complaining much, the company stock rose 112 percent over 2012.

Online Travel

Confusion about taxes from online hotel bookings continue as Ohio bill stalls

A nationwide tax U.S. is an idea that will never happen, but booking sites would love to have some overall clarity on taxation, even if it costs users a bit more on each booking.

Media and PR

Best travel videos this week: Go somewhere interesting

Best travel videos this week: Go somewhere interesting

Online Travel

Best travel videos this week: Sunsets in Montreal, Virginia, and New Jersey

Best travel videos this week: Sunsets in Montreal, Virginia, and New Jersey