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Articles tagged “barcelona”

Business Travel

Luxury Hotels Want to Make You Feel Culturally Relevant

Luxury is no longer defined by pristine interiors and personalized service but limited knowledge-based access, distinct cultural experiences, and curated, specific references. Luxury hotels opening the doors to those experiences set themselves apart for future generations of affluent travelers.

Luxury Hotels Want to Make You Feel Culturally Relevant


Europe Working on New Tourism Brand Positioning: Value Not Volume

Europe is so popular as a tourist destination that it doesn't really need any help growing numbers. A move to concentrate on value is a sensible approach and one that will hopefully see the benefits spread to lesser-known destinations.

Europe Working on New Tourism Brand Positioning: Value Not Volume

Business Travel

Innovative Hoteliers Tap Craft Cocktail Culture for Luxury Guests

Craft cocktail culture is based on the same principles driving change in the luxury hospitality world today: consumers’ desires for best-quality ingredients, a curated sense of place, and staff conscious of (and connected to) the local scene.

Innovative Hoteliers Tap Craft Cocktail Culture for Luxury Guests


What a Month of Bicycle Rides Through Valencia Reveals about Authenticity in Tourism

For all its imperfections, Valencia still has its spirit and a sense of authenticity that other destinations have lost in some ways in the age of overtourism. As the city fights to maintain equilibrium, it has a unique opportunity to set an example via the proper management of tourism. Don't put doors in the field. Set up bike lanes instead.

What a Month of Bicycle Rides Through Valencia Reveals about Authenticity in Tourism


Cities Take Baby Steps to Address Overtourism This Summer

It took years for overtourism to happen in some destinations and the problem won't be solved overnight or this year. But to start, destinations could begin paying tourism workers more fairly and give locals more access to programs and services that tourism revenue supposedly helps to fund.

Cities Take Baby Steps to Address Overtourism This Summer


Overtourism Countermeasures Include Limits on Cruise Ships and Short-Term Rentals

We've been talking about overtourism for a while now and it's good to see cities getting more creative when it comes to managing numbers. Visitors are going to keep coming to the likes of Barcelona, Dubrovnik, and Amsterdam, and therefore these places are going to have to get smarter about managing the flow of people, whether they already live there or not.

Overtourism Countermeasures Include Limits on Cruise Ships and Short-Term Rentals


Spain Overtakes a Struggling U.S. as World’s Second Favorite Tourist Destination

Despite facing plenty of challenges, Spain saw a healthy growth in international tourists in 2017. But this year is likely to be tougher because of Barcelona's troubles and with places like Turkey regaining some of their popularity.

Spain Overtakes a Struggling U.S. as World’s Second Favorite Tourist Destination

Business Travel

Why This Boutique Barcelona Hotel Transformed Itself Into a New York Weekend

Cross-promotions like this are most successful when both sides have something to gain. While Seagram's gets access to a new audience, The Corner Hotel can enhance its reputation.

Why This Boutique Barcelona Hotel Transformed Itself Into a New York Weekend


Proposing Solutions to Overtourism in Popular Destinations: A Skift Framework

As destinations scramble to reduce the impact of tourism on their citizens, foundational work must still be done to create a repeatable framework and process for preventing overtourism.

Proposing Solutions to Overtourism in Popular Destinations: A Skift Framework


Travel This Week: Will Airbnb Block Hotel Surge Pricing for Solar Eclipse?

Hotels used to be nearly the only game in town for accommodations during high-demand occasions, and they could charge whatever the market would bear. They can still charge guests whatever the market will bear but the question is whether companies such as Airbnb are changing the market and pricing dynamics.

Travel This Week: Will Airbnb Block Hotel Surge Pricing for Solar Eclipse?