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American Airlines News

The latest news and analysis of American Airlines, including breaking news, executive interviews, earnings coverage, and analysis of its competitors.


How can American Airlines motivate the thousands of employees who are being laid off?

On top of all its other problems, AMR needs to manage morale for the thousands of people who are taking buyouts or being laid off over the next few months. As professional as everyone may be, motivating them won't be easy.


To prevent loose seats, American Airlines invests in extra seat clamps

The clamps seem more like PR band aids than devices meant to protect. After American blamed disconnected seats on soda and other spills, it's hard for consumers to trust what they're being told.


Bankruptcy was looking OK for American Airlines — until its seats fell off

Potential passengers took the messages of the past few weeks -- errant seats, cancelled flights, upset employees -- and factored them into their travel plans. American's future may depend on how soon they'll start to forget about American's errors.

Bankruptcy was looking OK for American Airlines — until its seats fell off


American Eagle may be spun off and change name after parent AA finishes bankruptcy proceedings

It is all about keeping the costs low for American Airlines, and American Eagle spinoff and renegotiation of its labor contracts fit that bill.


Richard Branson calls the prospect of buying American Airlines “quite fun”

How fun would it be to see Branson make over American Airlines? Too much fun, perhaps.


American Airlines’ CEO argues that, all things considered, they’re not doing too bad

Horton may not have employees or consumers on his side, but the numbers have kept American from turning into such a mess that it wouldn't be in a good position to be acquired.

American Airlines’ CEO argues that, all things considered, they’re not doing too bad


American Airlines is very happy about its numbers for September

Hope AMR brass enjoyed these September numbers, because after flying-seat-gate and the ongoing case of "sick" pilots, October is going to underwhelm.


After days of bolt tightening, American Airlines says “No seat can be dislodged”

American brings to a close one of its worst PR weeks in, well, ever, with a promise that its 757s will no longer feature airborne seats. But can the airline improve relations enough with employees to prevent future oversights like this?


American cancels nearly 100 flights to install extra locking devices on seats

Mechanics can fix the seats, but the damage to the airline’s reputation was already well underway and will likely persist long after the seat clamps are repaired.


AA customer service and gate agents given green light to vote on union representation

It’s likely the 9,700 employees are eager to join an union of their own after watching the pilots’ length negotiations with AMR and the major role the APA union has held throughout the process.

AA customer service and gate agents given green light to vote on union representation