Roaming the vast Nara Park grounds in the city of Nara, Japan are sacred wild deer, who approach visitors and eat out of their hands as if in a storybook. Now, the transportation to see these deer is equally enchanting.

The recently unveiled Narashika Train, or Deer Train, operated by Kintetsu Railways runs between Kobe and Nara and features spotted-brown, deer-coat seats, a grasslike floor, and customized, deer-themed hand grips and banners.

Deer Train of Nara, Japan, credit: @mareiii04.
Deer Train of Nara, Japan, credit: @mareiii04.

The whimsical ride became so popular that an additional train was added earlier this year. The Deer Train’s schedule is not provided to the public, so, much like the deer themselves, you must have a bit of luck and hope one will approach you.

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Tags: japan, parks, public transportation