Seth Borko


Travel Earnings Analysis: 4 Trends that Dominated

What's the final verdict on Q2 travel earnings? Growth remains robust with a strong assist from Asia. But the industry is clearly slowing as travel demand normalizes and pent-up demand exhausts itself.
Short-Term Rentals

Vacasa is a Leader in Brand Building But Relies Too Much on Booking Sites

Vacasa is a leader in brand building within the short-term rental space, but Skift Research estimates it still relies heavily on third-party booking sites, like Airbnb, for the majority of sales. Management surely hopes to become a majority first-party business – and to earn the margin benefits that follow.
Online Travel

Generative AI's Impact on Travel: New Skift Research

Generative AI is poised to transform the travel industry. True, there’s plenty of hype out there. But even after Skift Research separates the chaff from the wheat, we find that a multi-billion dollar opportunity still remains.

What 2023 Will Hold for Travel: New Skift Research

The new year will give no rest to a weary travel industry. After years of work to dig out of the hole the pandemic put us in, travel in 2023 may find that the hardest part still lies ahead. The groundwork for growth is in place but achieving success will be no simple task.

6 Lessons for Building Robust Travel Subscription Models: New Skift Research

Subscriptions are ubiquitous in nearly every industry other than travel. Why the disconnect? The time is right for building paid travel subscriptions, powered by shifts in traveler priorities and work-life flexibility. Learn how to build travel memberships by analyzing three innovative case studies in this latest research report.