Dennis Schaal

Online Travel

Travelocity is a Huge Success for Expedia and Orbitz

Orbitz Worldwide paid $10 million to acquire the Travelocity Partner Network in late February 2014 and would pay an additional $10 million if the affiliate network hits certain performance targets this year and in 2015. This is a nice acquisition for Orbitz Worldwide because the private label sector was already an important part of its business.
Online Travel

The Biggest Cliche in Travel Companies' Business Models

Claims of an unyielding network effect are often so much hot air such as when Expedia claims that it has "mutually beneficial supply agreements" that reinforce its global marketplace. Still, when companies such as TripAdvisor, which attracts more than 100 user reviews and ratings per minute, truly achieve a network effect, their growth can be exponential.
Online Travel

Expedia Won't Help TripAdvisor With Its Booking Problems

What a difference a couple of years makes. No longer sister companies, Expedia doesn't want to participate in TripAdvisor Instant Booking, and declines to do anything to help the brand that it is competing with, along with, on TV in their competing commercials.