The Second Skift Magazine Is Now Available for Download

Skift Take
At the Skift Global Forum earlier this month we released our second print magazine.
Our earlier magazine from January was devoted to the megatrends that were defining travel in 2015, and we're happy to say that the finished product the second time around is more than double in size from the first issue — 78 pages versus 34.
The new magazine, called "Versus," explores the global faultlines and conflicts that were determining the direction of the travel industry.
We don't aim to be judges on which of these clashes happening will win out, or which of them are good versus bad, but that the opportunities for disruption in the industry lie in understanding and capitalizing on these clashes. The answer, in some cases, will be completely new industries that have the best mix of old and new.
What You'll Find Inside
First Glance
How to Solve Hate Selling
Q & A: How Hotels Use WeChat to Reach Guests in Asia
Q & A: The Golden Age of Smarter Seating Design
CEO Insight: The Business Case for More Diversity in Travel
Business Travel Expenses: Uber Vs. Taxi
Customer Experience is the New Customer Service
Skift Mini-Manifesto
Fault Lines
Fault Lines: Conflicts Determining the Future of Travel
Global Travel Growth Versus Vacation-less Americans
Corporate Travel Versus Business Travelers
Packaged Versus Unbundled Travel
Low-Cost Versus Full-Service Airlines
Ride-Hailing Versus Car Rentals
Alternative Lodging Versus Traditional Hotels
Travel Agents Versus Travel Consultants
Meeting Expertise Versus Meeting Experience
Brands Versus Booking Sites
Cities for Locals Versus Cities for Tourists