The evolution of the travel and tourism industry is made up of equal parts as small as placing a yoga mat inside a hotel room and as large as the 92-year history of a global airline.
It includes actions as insignificant as telling cyclists that they have a place to play and as important as a country finally feeling accepted by its peers. This week’s SkiftAds looks at the moments small and large that impact and are influenced by the business of travel.
Kimpton Hotels is rolling out a new program that puts a yoga mat in every guest’s room. Meet Mat (A Yoga Love Story), created by Kimpton’s creative firm Portal A, depicts the 24-hour love affair between a stressed-out business traveler and the Mr. Yoga Mat.
Weeks away from joining the European Union, the Croatian National Tourist Board creates a 7-minute tribute to the country’s beaches, attractions, and people. The country is expecting a record tourism year after inbound visitors reached an all-time high in 2012. The video is timely titled the New Tourism Star of the European Union.
A short history of Qantas was created by Sydney-based design and animation firm sixty40 in honor of the Australian airline’s 92nd birthday. The engaging and well-designed video takes viewers through a timeline of the airline, which most flyers don’t bother to reflect on. Worth the watch for anyone who’s ever stepped on a plane.
A pink sky will float over the 1-km pedestrian path that runs through Montreal’s Gay Village from May 16 to September 3 this year. As part of the third Aires Libres festival, landscape architect Claude Cormier strings 170,000 balls between trees and buildings creating an ambience that attracts gay and straight travelers from around the world. This rose-tinted video plays to the sounds of Montreal-based band Groeland.
Travel Oregon has heavily promoted itself as a cycling destination since 2010, and recently rolled out a new landing page for visitors looking to plan cycling trips or attend cycling-related events. This 15-second spot welcomes cyclists of all styles, skills, and specialties; an acceptance that Oregon and its largest city, Portland, are known for.
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Tags: canada, croatia, kimpton, portland, qantas, skiftadsweek
Photo credit: Kimpton personifies a yoga mat in its new ad promoting its in-room yoga services. YouTube