Articles tagged “lyft”

Business Travel

Top Business Travel Concerns: Sharing Economy Growth, New Airline Surcharges

The rise of the sharing economy is a trend in business travel that won't get put easily back in the bottle, although it isn't for everyone. On the other hand, it is possible that Lufthansa's battle with the business travel community could get recorked and disposed with.
Online Travel

Lyft Seeks New Funding to Better Compete With Uber

Lyft needs more financing to keep the wheels of its operation running and expanding, but being recognized as a more human form of ride-sharing is even more important to attracting and keeping users.
Online Travel

New Skift Trends Report: The State of Mobile Booking 2015

This Skift Trends Report traces some of the seminal shifts of 2014, from the dramatic rise in mobile bookings to same-day hotel- booking trends and marketing trends that impact mobile development.