Organized groups of travel bloggers have turned to selling their audiences to hashtag campaigns for travel brands or destinations like Jordan and Scotland, but the parochial nature of their social networks raise questions about their real reach.
Easing travel restrictions while balancing the move with security precautions is a no-brainer and Marriott and Hilton are smart to get out-front with their call for "smart visas."
For Hilton's efforts to have any long-term effect it will need to create paths to success that go beyond low-paying, entry-level work, which means it will need to stand up to hotel owners who want labor for less.
Hilton’s partnership with The Onion is smart for two reasons. The first being that Hilton could never be this funny on its own, and site will now be shared among The Onion’s millions of followers.
TripIt’s data suggests that the travelers value big-brand loyalty programs and have an expectation of service and quality that they’re not willing to gamble on.
Lima will be the primary beneficiary of the investments, but these hotel brands and others also see the benefits of spreading out to meet demand across Peru.
Hotel brands have been busy shedding properties in favor of operating agreements over the last few years while private equity firms have been snapping them up piece by piece. Which side will come up on top?