Articles tagged “emirates air”


The World’s Best Major Airlines for the Economy Long-Haul Experience

No doubt certain airlines and passengers will have something to say on how we could have made this rating system better, but we feel it’s a good start. Operators are standing by to take your calls with comments, but they don’t work for us and they may have no idea what you’re talking about.
Media and PR

Real-Time Marketing Tips for Travel Brands During Brazil's World Cup

Although the World Cup's partners and sponsors have larger audiences than travel brands, there is still a huge opportunity to take advantage of, during this major second screen event. Much of the success will be about being in the right moment.
Online Travel

Travel Inspiration Is Back from the Dead, But This Time It's on Booking Sites

When even a company such as -- which is obsessed with transactions -- launches an Inspire Me feature, you know a trend is afoot. This next generation of travel inspiration features have something that earlier pioneers didn't: they are integrated lockstep with bookings.

The 30 Best-Looking Airlines Logos in The World

We would totally put any of these logos on a t-shirt! But seriously, airline branding is a serious multi-billion dollar matter, and smart airlines are using their distinctive logos to stand apart. Or should.

The Most Valuable Airline Brands of 2013

Airlines will never be featured in any list of most-loved consumer brands, but on the brand side, still they are still very valuable as this list shows.
Media and PR

How 16 Middle Eastern Airlines' Social Efforts Stack Up

Quality over quantity is the golden rule when it comes to airlines' social media. Emirates and Etihad have routes that reach far beyond those of its peers, but carriers that consistently listen to their customers build their social influence much faster.