Airbnb News

What started as has grown into a massive public company that IPOd in 2020. Airbnb is now the world's largest online alternative-accommodation community, allowing millions of users to list, search, and rent authentic homestays and vacation-rental experiences in countless cities across the globe.


New York State Attorney General Subpoenas Airbnb User Records

Expect Airbnb to fight: The information about how its most popular hosts use the service and whether this is consistent with the story Airbnb likes to tell about itself will have a large impact on the site's growth and potential IPO.

Airbnb CEO Gives New York His Three-Step Plan For Going Legit

Airbnb's aw-shucks tale of regular people trying to make a buck to get by is no longer what the service is about. For it to move forward and stay honest, it will need to start telling the whole -- sometimes messy, sometimes inspiring -- story of its business.
Media and PR

The 6 Travel Leaders on Fortune's 40 Under 40

Lists like this are always about buzz rather than reality, so watchers will have to wait until these six reach their forties to see if they can turn their young-ish companies into established players.

Airbnb Study Reveals Legal Rentals Make for the Friendliest Hosts

The study points to the positive aspects of Airbnb's live-like-a-local positioning and the sense of community the brand can offer its hosts and renters, but also highlights the challenges of making that happen in its most popular markets.