Wouter Geerts


Travel's Epicenter Moves West: New Skift Travel Health Index

Data is highlighting the shift away from Asia as the epicenter of travel, moving towards the Middle East and Europe. With China looking at its zero-Covid policy as the long-term solution to beating the pandemic, it will be interesting to see how long it takes for the pendulum to swing back.

State of Travel 2022: New Skift Research

So much has happened in the travel industry in recent years. This new report by Skift Research puts perspective on those dizzying changes by providing definitive and data-driven insight into the current state of the travel industry, and the trends that will shape the future.

Accelerating the Transition to Net Zero Travel: New Skift-McKinsey Research

There is a lot of talk, and a lot of good intentions. Despite this, many travel companies are struggling to put net zero targets into practice. A new report by Skift Research, in partnership with McKinsey & Co., provides four strategies for travel companies to put words into actions.

Asia's Recovery Remains Unpredictable: New Skift Travel Health Index

While not fully recovered, travel is taking on recognizable and predictable patterns in most regions. Asia Pacific is the exception, where there are still major fluctuations in travel performance with every new announcement of loosening and tightening of pandemic-related restrictions.
Travel Technology

Hospitality Tech Left Out of Lodging Convergence: New Skift Research

Lines between hotels, short-term rentals and other accommodation types are blurring, but we see little merging in the business-to-business tech spaces that support these sectors. This will change, but there are some major barriers to overcome first.