Wouter Geerts

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Short-Term Rentals

Capturing the Short-Term Rental Ecosystem Beyond Airbnb: New Skift Research

The short-term rental sector is rapidly expanding, and it is not just Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com that benefit from this. A growing ecosystem of property managers and B2B vendors are professionalizing the sector, while making a decent penny.

Capturing the Short-Term Rental Ecosystem Beyond Airbnb: New Skift Research


How Amazon’s Customer-Centric Framework Can Boost Hotel Loyalty: New Skift Research

Rather than being paralyzed by the threat of Amazon, let’s actually learn from its successes. Using tech to achieve a more customer-centric approach to brand loyalty is a great place to start.

How Amazon’s Customer-Centric Framework Can Boost Hotel Loyalty: New Skift Research


Tech Expands Hotel Guest Engagement Beyond Loyalty Programs: New Skift Research

Let’s place loyalty programs into a larger realm of technology that can improve and increase guest engagement and personalization. All these tools working in parallel can help achieve a truly loyal guest.

Tech Expands Hotel Guest Engagement Beyond Loyalty Programs: New Skift Research


Technology for Hotel Revenue Management Set to Boom: New Skift Research

The large majority of hotels still rely on Excel spreadsheets, trial and error, and gut feeling when setting prices. In an increasingly complicated distribution landscape, many will start looking at revenue management tech to improve performance.

Technology for Hotel Revenue Management Set to Boom: New Skift Research


Why Hotel Revenue Management Needs to Be a Priority: New Skift Research

Revenue management systems play an important role in automating pricing, but hotels should not see these as a one-stop solution to all their problems. There are bigger strategic questions that need answering.

Why Hotel Revenue Management Needs to Be a Priority: New Skift Research