Jason Clampet

Jason Clampet is the co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Skift.

Latest Stories


Employees don’t always know what to do with unlimited vacation

Not only does unlimited vacation work in some workplaces, but it often must me matched with a cash payment to get employees to actually leave the office.


How to survive Beijing’s terrible air pollution

Although heavy air pollution can be a sign of prosperity, it also doesn't do much for respiratory systems. Follow this advice to breathe easier on your next visit.


European travelers can’t save Greece, so how about Chinese and Indian ones?

Destinations like Kefalonia built themselves into places they thought others wanted them to be rather than focusing on what was best for them. The only future that offers is if they can keep finding wealthy visitors who like the same things too.


American Airlines’ pilots could walk away with 13.5% of the company

American will get what it wants now -- big reductions in costs and flexibility on scheduling and routes -- in exchange for giving up a chunk of the company to a group of its most dedicated employees.


Public unions have the London games over a barrel and it’s the government’s fault

David Cameron's government has given the unions plenty of reasons to play hardball, unwisely and cynically hoping he could use the Olympics to force through measures they despise. Now it's backfiring on him.


How Japanese footballers fly: Middling Men in business, world-champion women in coach

It's relatively hard to justify sticking a team of poor performers in business and the World Cup champions in coach, but the Olympics provide plenty of opportunities for countries to show both their best and worst sides.

Online Travel

Bing and Google maps both improve detail and add more high-def renderings

How wonderful is it that the tech heavyweights are having an arms race to provide users with the best free maps the world has ever seen?


The top 10 cities in the U.S. for luxury hotel room market share

Florida and California demonstrate that being (geographically) tall and thin does equal luxury and collectively take up seven of the top ten slots.

Media and PR

Lonely Planet’s magazine adds “Traveller” to its cover and fancier fonts to its pages

The magazine has always been run separately from the rest of the travel publisher's operations, yet it's managed to capture the LP promise quite well within its pages for its UK-based readers.


Detroit is losing local gaming customers to casinos in Toledo, Ohio

Unless your city is a marquee destination like Las Vegas or Macau that has more to offer visitors than loose slots, there's little to keep visitors loyal to one city over another.