Greg Oates

Business Travel

Meetings and Events in The Trump Era — Meetings Innovation Report

It's been a big couple of weeks for the meetings and events industry since the Presidential Inauguration. Record levels of live streaming and data-driven community engagement rallied people to come together around common causes, which the meetings industry can learn from.
Business Travel

Travel Megatrends 2017: Festivalization of Meetings and Events

Conference organizers are developing more multidisciplinary programming that pulls from both the business and creative industries, creating a new convergence of experiences that help brands plug into business events in more ways.
Business Travel

Interview: CEO of CES 2017 on the Future of Connectivity

CES 2017 this month in Las Vegas marked the emergence of Artificial Intelligence-integrated connectivity and voice responsiveness into the mainstream, especially in terms of smart cars and smart homes. We will soon all be basically living and driving inside our mobile phones.