Meeting Planners Aim to Reduce Damage to Local Communities
Skift Take
Company meetings and events happen frequently, ranging from the small to the very large, often involving travel, as well as catered food and organized activities. This all means that the events industry has a significant impact on the environment and the well-being of local communities, whether or not venues and planners are ready to admit the extent of it.
In the past few years, companies have begun to prioritize sustainability, but much of it has been optics, meant to appeal to a consumer base increasingly worried about the environment. But now, this is changing a bit. Companies are giving meeting planners the freedom to go beyond surface initiatives, organizing events that don’t just pay lip service to sustainability but actually make a measurable and positive impact on the local environment.
Catharine Chaulet, CEO of Global DMC Partners, a network for destination marketing companies, talked to Skift about how meeting planners are addressing sustainability and overtourism — and why this shift is taking place.
Check out this story, and many more, below.
If you have any feedback about the newsletter or news tips, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected] or tweet @ikcarey.
— Isaac Carey, Travel Reporter
The Future of Events and Meetings
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Travel Reporter Isaac Carey [[email protected]] curates the Skift Meetings Innovation Report. Skift emails the newsletter every Wednesday.
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