United Reboots Its Polaris Business Class With a Focus on Consistency

Skift Take
What was United Airlines thinking with its Polaris business class?
It's a question I asked in a story, United CEO Munoz’s Polaris Promise Never Matched Reality. This summer, you may notice United is making tweaks to its onboard product, including retiring its Bloody Mary cart, and ending the special wine tasting program. This comes after United made other reductions last year, like removing one pillow from each seat.
It's easy to criticize United for altering what made Polaris special, and perhaps call it out for cost-cutting. But with its Polaris promise, United misjudged what its employees could handle. Flight attendants could never deliver what the marketing team promised.
This was a big error. The best European and U.S. airline companies in business class — Delta Air Lines, Air Canada, and Lufthansa Group — seek to not deliver the world's best premium experience, but the world's most consistent experience. They know what's possible, and they try to deliver it.
Read my story and tell me via Twitter or email if you agree.
— Brian Sumers, Airline Business Reporter, email bss@skift.com or tweet @briansumers
Stories of the Week
United CEO Munoz’s Polaris Promise Never Matched Reality: Oscar Munoz was new to the job in June 2016 when he announced a rethinking of business class. It sounded impressive, and it looked good in TV commercials. But what he promised was impossible for United to deliver. There's no shame in that — few airlines could pull it off — so now United is slowly removing some of the elements that made the product unique. Let's hope this helps United provide a more consistent experience.
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See What LAX’s New People Mover Will Look Like: Los Angeles is finally getting with the times and building an automated people mover to shuttle passengers among its terminals. The Points Guy grabbed some photos, so we can see what it will look like. Of note: "Trains will reach top speeds of 47mph and end-to-end travel won’t take longer than 10 minutes." Perhaps this will mean foreign tourists will be slightly less annoyed when transferring at LAX.
Why Lufthansa Decided to Give Its Planes a New Paint Job: Aviation geeks probably think an airline's livery is all about how the planes look. But AdWeek notes that Lufthansa updated its paint job in part for a different reason: This is a better branding for digital channels that didn't exist in 1989 when the airline last updated its appearance.
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I'm in New York visiting the Skift headquarters and attending on Thursday Aviation Day USA, which is sponsored by IATA and The Wings Club. If you're there, come by and say hello.
Skift Airline Business Reporter Brian Sumers [bss@skift.com] curates the Skift Airline Innovation Report. Skift emails the newsletter every Wednesday. Have a story idea? Or a juicy news tip? Want to share a memo? Send me an email or tweet me.