Why Visit Savannah is Banking its Video Strategy on Facebook
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This post originally appeared on Moving Images, our mini-site with Travel Channel exploring the new era of travel video, from new platforms and technology to best practices from forward-thinking brands and content creators.
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Visit Savannah has enjoyed great success with its Savannah Shorts series – to date, 23 videos produced specifically for sharing via Facebook and Instagram.
“We have learned so much from the short-form videos we have been producing,” notes Jeremy Harvey, Visit Savannah’s Vice President for Communications and Marketing, “Our goal, to be sure, was to produce ‘short, snackable and shareable’ – but that’s not to say I wasn’t also skeptical that videos of such short length would work in engaging our audiences or telling a compelling story.”
What Harvey and his team have in fact found out is that viewers respond very positively to the immediacy of Savannah Shorts pieces, and to how much they capture authentic moments in time from all around the city. “The Shorts videos offer our audience – locals and prospective visitors alike – a glimpse into Savannah and a brief escape from their day-to-day lives.”
The choice to create the videos specifically for Facebook was a two-pronged decision.
For one, Visit Savannah's Facebook following dwarfs its YouTube subscriber base, at almost 170,000 to less-than 1,000, respectively.
Even more importantly, Visit Savannah wanted to take advantage of Facebook’s algorithm change from last year that gives higher priority and greater organic reach to video and link posts. To date, the Shorts videos have racked up 200,000 views since first launching in March 2015.
Thanks to the success of the series, which was produced entirely in-house, Harvey sees a lot more video in Visit Savannah’s future. “We are looking to get even more creative going forward, and to find new ways to inform and entertain. And with the changes Facebook and other social sites have made that give more prominence and priority to video, it’s a great time to jump in.”
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