Media and PR
Indianapolis Has First U.S. Bikeshare Named After a Sports Team
Bikeshares across the U.S. don't compete with one another since locals and visitors will use whichever is in their destination, but creative branding could impact its pickup within the local community.
Best Western Tries To Ease Mobile Booking Pain with Google Wallet
There are several models for making travel booking easier on mobile devices, and Google Wallet is certainly gaining ground. The problem may be, though, that it makes Google even more powerful in the process.
The NCAA Tournament Did Not Bring Championship Results to Dallas-Area Hotels
There needs to be just the right mix of events and hotels and city layout to make a big sporting event turn into a big success. Look to cities like New Orleans and Indianapolis for examples of games done right.
The Positive TripAdvisor Ratings Taking the Sting Out of Online Reviews
Critics who blast the negativity of reviews on TripAdvisor may be surprised that the average review rating is 4.12 out of 5. But some hoteliers say a property's ranking in the pecking order in any given city is even more important.