Why Tourism Boards Need To Pay More Attention To Vimeo Videos

Skift Take
Mostly, so that tourism boards see the difference between video creation for passion vs. video creation by committee.
The first two videos with the personal descriptions under each, by Nicolaus Wegner, a landscape photographer specializing mainly in Wyoming nature images. Breathtaking any way you see it, and could surely play a big inspirational part in any tourism campaign for the big sky state.
I spent the last 2 months on this project, with the intent of sharing both new and familiar places in Wyoming under dynamic light and weather events. This state is huge, so this video is only the beginning of what I have planned. Please check out my website for tons of Wyoming landscape photography. lightalivephotography.com
Areas photographed:
Cloud Peak Wilderness, Bighorn Range (80 lb pack with all the motion control gear, 20 miles round trip...fun!)
Grand Teton National Park
Snowy Range
Shirley and Wind River Basins
Casper, Chalk, Ferris, Muddy, and Pedro Mountains
Jackson, WY
Bates Creek
Others i probably forgot...but which are no less beautiful
It was one hell of a journey during the fourteen months making Wyoming Wildscapes II, my second and final Wyoming related time lapse project. Had plenty of adventures while working on this. Lightning almost got me a couple of times this summer, gear froze up in the winter (literally), and broke a few times (don't think most of the time lapse gear was meant for extended wilderness backpacking), all that fun stuff. Despite any minor set backs, this was without a doubt one of the most fulfilling personal projects I've ever undertaken. Saw some pretty amazing stuff along the way, this part of the country never ceases to amaze and surprise me.
And below are the best two videos on the official Wyoming Tourism YouTube account, the first one is the most viewed out of all its videos (23K views) and the second one we thought is the most creative out of the lot, which isn't saying much.
Find the hidden gems of southwest Wyoming as you take this great road trip. Find details for this, and other road trips, at http://www.wyomingtourism.org.
Experience your Forever West adventure in Wyoming and Roam Free at http://www.wyomingtourism.org.