SkiftIQ: Competitive Intelligence Dashboards for Smart Travel Marketers

Skift Take
- Users can discover social media insights about more than 1,200 travel brands.
- The Skift IQ Dashboard gives you fast insights into which brands are leading in their sectors.
- KLM's metrics on Instagram reveal its total uploads, followers, and total image likes. You can also find out its most popular filters and other metrics.
- Why does Tourism Australia do so well on Facebook? Dig deep into its performance to find out.
- Compare the performance of brands by sector in our leaderboards.
- Social media metrics are presented alongside real-time news related to each brand.
- Hotel brands and properties are split so they can compete on equal footing.
- Facebook metrics don't just look at friends and likes but get to the core of how brands use the social media network, and how this compares to their competitors.
We've always envisioned Skift as the global intelligence platform for travel, and as we end November as the most visited travel industry site globally -- just 15 months after launch -- we're unveiling the next step in our evolution: SkiftIQ, our data brand. SkiftIQ is a competitive intelligence service, built around digital metrics that matter to brands in travel.
Think of it as the dashboard for smart travel marketers.
Version 1.0, launching today, starts with social metrics that keep you ahead of the travel industry. Competitive metrics on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube -- cutting through the noise, organizing the social data you need, and delivering actionable insights.
With SkiftIQ, you'll be able see why American Airlines is so effective on Twitter, Tourism Australia is so successful on Facebook, and National Geographic Traveler dominates on Instagram. These metrics aren't just illustrative, they'll also help travel experts make smarter decisions about their own social strategy.
As we build SkiftIQ, we will add other other digital "lenses" beyond social: mobile, online, video, search, reviews, ad spend, and others, to make it the ultimate competitive insight dashboard for all of travel.
Along with this data service, we're launching Skift Score, the benchmark for digital effectiveness in travel. The Skift Score aims to quantify the digital IQ of travel brands and devise a metric that cuts across all sectors of travel, with the goal of creating a common language of competitive intelligence across these sectors.
In Ver 1.0 of Skift Score, we’re starting with quantifying the social media effectiveness of companies across the travel industry. And as we build other digital lenses, Skift Score will evolve to incorporate other digital metrics.
Any and all feedback is welcome. Contact me at ra AT