Articles tagged “vacasa”

Online Travel

Hotwire Ties Run Deep Through Vacasa SPAC Deal

The old boys network is still as strong as can be in online travel and elsewhere. It shows up in several ways, although it was far from a decisive factor, in the pending Vacasa SPAC deal. But those decades-old ties sure didn't hurt, either.
Online Travel Faces a Brand Problem

What's in a brand? When it comes to those like, probably hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. The inconvenient truth is that vacation-rental-selling isn't likely to rebrand anytime soon.

Airbnb's Short-Term Rental Challengers Double Down on Brand-Building

As happened with major online travel agencies, there will eventually be several winners in short-term rentals beyond Airbnb. But will these come from the independent property managers trying to build consumer brands, or will the larger players take them out as is customary?

Why 2021 Is the Year of the Travel IPO

So far this year, a dozen travel companies went public or made plans to do so. A couple of them may shine. But the odds are stacked against this year's IPOs, on average, over the long term. Find out why.