WorldMate suffered as many smartphones and other services added free travel notifications. But TripCase and TripIt still have fans among many frequent travelers.
As with anything Google does, you can expect Google Trips to be very much a work in progress that goes through numerous iterations before it becomes available to the public. But its beta release expands Google's footprint in the travel ecosystem especially since so many consumers begin their trip planning in the search engine and explore destinations with the Maps app.
TripIt has paired down the information you'd be able to view in Google Glass to the essentials because developers are working with a "screen" that's even smaller than most smartphones. It's all that's practical when viewing itineraries at a glance.
TripIt is doing the right thing for its users by coming up with a work-around to track the loyalty programs of airlines that don't want to be tracked by third parties. Delta, United, Southwest and American are still playing hardball.
TripIt's app update is hardly revolutionary, but it shows how travel companies are incrementally improving the user experience with more visually compelling displays and easier navigation.
How long will it be before we talk about travel websites as always having an essential, if limited place, in much the same way that we sometimes talk about print guidebooks? Smartphones with bigger screens, tablets of mini and maximum dimensions ... buckle your seatbelts.
Apps for mapping, meals, and itinerary trackers are the lifeblood of business travelers on the road, but any top app list must be taken with a grain of salt since selection is highly personal.