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Travel Trends


Five “authentic” luxury travel trends to watch for in 2013

These trends could be adopted by the entire travel industry as consumers across all spending strata are attracted to companies that are digitally engaged and offer beneficial loyalty programs.

Five “authentic” luxury travel trends to watch for in 2013


Turkey’s becoming a big facial hair transplant tourism hub

Yes, there is such a thing, and it is growing in Turkey. The world's a strange, hairy place.

Turkey’s becoming a big facial hair transplant tourism hub

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The top travel trends of 2012 as defined by Google searches

Travelers overwhelmingly search international destinations that fall close to home with the exception of classic tourist destinations like London, Paris, Rome, and Manhattan.

The top travel trends of 2012 as defined by Google searches


The U.S. hotel industry will end 2012 with high marks all around

Some markets are indeed gaining faster than others, but this year's numbers are enough to get operators agressively investing again following the great big project freeze of 2008.

The U.S. hotel industry will end 2012 with high marks all around


Hospitality trends to watch for in 2013, according to one industry insider

A prediction for increased development and high demand signifies that the industry will build up on its recent growth, although several major cities are at risk of bloating the supply side, leaving hotels to fight for high occupancy.

Hospitality trends to watch for in 2013, according to one industry insider


The trends and events that defined international travel in 2012

A billion travelers for the first time, a UK Olympics that went off without a hitch, an Italian cruiseship that sank because of stupidity, and nine more stories that influenced the choices travelers made this year.

The trends and events that defined international travel in 2012


Adding a sense of place and culture to airports

The future of airports, not as an antiseptic non-place, but rooted in the local culture and integral part of the urban life.


Trends that will define the vacation rentals market in 2013

Expect a lot more legal issues to get clarified over the next year, especially around Airbnb. And owners/renters will look to get more organized and professional as more tools and startups emerge.


December flight delays: Why you’re likely to have better holiday travels this year

Airline consolidation may have led to higher airfares and fewer flights, but the perhaps unintended consequence is that the percentage of flight delays in December are trending much lower now.

December flight delays: Why you’re likely to have better holiday travels this year

Business Travel

How an old-school business travel powerhouse sees the industry’s future

Watch out for those unruly and out-of-control unmanaged travel programs. Eve's Adam was tempted, too.